Head of Volyn UGAI awarded

police colonel According to the decree of the Minister of the Interior August 21, 2015 № 1707 Head of the Department of GAI in Volyn region Bondaruk Andrew I. conferred the rank of colonel of militia. Certificate: Andrew Bondaruk born December 11, 1972 in Lutsk. Service in the Internal sRights started 22 June 1994 as company inspector of road patrol traffic police department Lutsk City Department of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region. In May 2003, he was appointed commander separate specialized platoon DPS to ensure the maintenance and ekskortuvannya traffic police Internal Affairs in the Volyn region, later - the commander Royou DPS traffic police for maintenance of Lutsk VDAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region. In 2011 he was appointed Deputy Chief - Chief of DPS and the organization wanted stolen motor vehicles UGAI Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volyn region. Since May 2015 holds the position of head of traffic police Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Volynthe second area.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/