In the Zhytomyr region rescuers eliminate ignition private dwelling house

February 22 at 4:41 at the point called ’ communications 18th State Fire and Rescue village of Emilchino received information about a fire in a private house located in the village Kulish. To rescue « 101 » told neighbors that househoachyvshy fire, immediately rushed to the rescue. In the middle of a burning building villagers found the 87-year-old mistress. Grandma brought immediately to fresh air. From the woman refused medical help. Arriving on call of a fight DSNS ’ yasuvaly that the roof was completely engulfed in flames. Through coordinated efforts of firefighters fire could localismto comply with at 05:00. Complete elimination event is held at 07:30. However, the fire had destroyed the roof and wall damage. Currently experts established cause of the fire, the amount of losses and salvaged items. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
