How not to spoil their lives by their own hands schoolchildren povchaly police Rivne region

on the harmful effects of drugs, and criminal and administrative liability of minors warned Holyshivskoyi school students I-II degree criminal police detective juvenile and senior Bogdan Zagursky operupovnoweighted sector to combat drug trafficking Paul Shevchuk. - Each of you dreams soon become adults and enter into a new, vibrant life where seemingly everything is permitted - launched the introductory part of the lecture headmaster Victoria Babiyets. - But not as easy adulthood, it really needs serious responsibility and decision inyvazhenyh decisions. To avoid mistakes in the future, say police warning words Rivne police station. Bogdan Zagursky said that even in such seemingly childish pranks like fights at recess, smoking around the corner of the school, foul language statements entail administrative liability. Especially made operative shavedpers on "fashionable" in the present offense - an escape from the house through any little things that did not like a teenager. In the case of the disappearance of the child's home district department staff open criminal investigation into the murder and to seek attract almost all police area. However, when the fugitive still finding home, he has not returned beforeocherhova road - the center of social and psychological rehabilitation. Only there will be solved their fate. - You may not have occurred once thought to try something more than cigarettes, although smoking is also very bad - extended interview Paul Shevchuk - but every one of you should remember: mostly Return back there, for cozhnoyu dose body requires more and more. Stop is not possible. As a result, drug addict loses everything: work, family, friends and health. And moreover, under the influence of drugs crosses criminal law. Not to be unfounded, the students watched the documentary "Truth About Drugs", which essentially shocked teens, because reality VJyvannya drugs lead to irreparable. Therefore, we hope that this insidious and dangerous drugs still not tempt young people. The Headmaster Victoria Babiyets thanked law enforcement, because we sincerely hope that educational conversation with her students really be a warning sign for the rest of life, and they will make the right conclusions from what he heardth. Finally, the police noticed that life path should move so proud parents and family so wished students good academic excellence and teachers - aging and inspiration in their work. Maria YUSTYTSKA, Rivne District Police Ukraine in Rivne region
