Higher prices make Ukrainian efficiently consume electricity - "Free Microphone"
About 70% of Western Ukraine and Kyiv plan to save energy to make ends meet after the next "gift" of the government - rise "light" at 40%. Photo: torange.biz These are the results of a survey of the category « Question of the week » peopletion Project « Free Microphone » TV ZIK. During removal program February 22 Ukrainian told how will save energy. Part of respondents did not even try to hide his resentment. People said that with such a fierce price increases, including for utilities, they will only have one – go with itrbamy the world. In some revenues such that at most rigid economy is not enough life. &Laquo; Q savings – the issue of income each person. For example, pensioners and so long save. Where's next? & Raquo ;, – ternopolyanyn convinced. And part of people's speakers stated that they do not know the ways how you can econoWash electricity that is significantly affected account. As the young from Kiev, nobody would refuse refrigerator, washing machine, do not sit in the evening by candlelight. If also planned for 2015. The year rise in heating people still trying to understand it a sharp change in electricity tariffs raises questions. &Laquo; & nd Ukraineash; the largest producer and supplier of electricity in Europe. I would like to see a clear policy on this issue, as Ukraine and at what price sells energy abroad. I know that in Belarus and Poland who receive electricity from us, much less pay for « & raquo ;, light than we in Ukraine & raquo ;, – said summer foreheadage in Lutsk. However, many participants « Free Microphone » embraced the news about future energy price broke. And 60% of respondents stated that they are not saving to get used to. Like, long trying to make rational use of energy, so continue to utilize proven methods savings.&Laquo; Saving energy is always true. No special measures implemented at home, we will not, for the most part all seven night ’ I'm in the same room to work one TV, one computer ’ s memory to only one room light was burning. Of course, no kitchen appliances and washing machines can not do, but we must trynot to use them once again & raquo ;, – told family secrets saving woman in Uzhgorod. &Laquo; I have electric heating. In previous winters pay 400 USD. per month, and learned to save now so that this winter paid only 300 USD. This is despite the fact that the price has risen. So now no longer afraid rise & raquo ;, – says anotheruzhhorodka. By the way, among the most popular methods to save on electricity – transition to the so-called thrifty bulbs, which are already active and in western Ukraine and Kiev. &Laquo; We have purchased fuel-efficient light bulbs. Thus, they had to pay a lot, but they do give a result. Pay almost twice less than beforeE & raquo ;, – boasted one of the participants. Also, participants stressed « Free Microphone & raquo ;, not only men should be able to efficiently use energy, but the government must make serious steps in this direction, actively introduce advanced energy-saving technology. &Laquo; 25 years ago with a group of Power we devicroan working on a system of rational use of energy. Things are not moved from the place, – said the senior people in Lutsk. &Shy; – Our official can « kill » all ideas. But energy will go up. Other way than to switch to more efficient energy consumption, no. In one unit, we wipetea 4-8 times more energy than Japan and Germany. We are engaged in waste & raquo ;. More ways to save electricity by Ukrainian can be heard every night on TV ZIK in special issues of national project « Free Microphone » &Ndash; &Laquo; Question of the week & raquo ;. Current issues, see the program daily and hourlyin the afternoon and evening.Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/