Consolidated squad Khmelnytsky police officers went to the area ATU

40 police officers led by the commander of the consolidated unit, Chief of Public Security Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Khmelnitsky region Sergey Melnik, once again went to restore law and order to the east of our country. This time zone ATO went fighters Specialnoyi militia company (the former "Golden Eagle"), spetsroty "Bogdan" and volunteers from the staff of municipal regional police area. Hold fighters on a long and dangerous trip came colleagues, relatives and friends. Substantial assistance provided volunteers who collected and delivered guards considerable stock of provisions. Encouraged young men and children's drawings asand our soldiers are a kind of talisman. Among the police assault and is one of the fair sex. Senior police inspector spetsroty "Bogdan" Inna Kmet went into a zone ATO to level with men perform all the tasks assigned to law enforcement. At home it is eagerly awaiting a loving husband and a small little boy. From Offutnim word addressed to subordinates Deputy Head of the Regional Department of the Interior Roman Havryliuk who wished all adequately fulfill its duty to the country and alive and unharmed return home. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Khmelnytsky region
