Chi Varto vstanovlyuvati metaloplastikov³ v³kna vzimku?

World of translation : Construction
, 07:07

Serg³ºnko PA - sp³vrob³tnik kompan³¿ rozpov³sbe our chi Varto vstanovlyuvati metaloplastikov³ v³kna vzimku chi all are The Best pochekati to b³lsh teplo¿ Pori rock? Chi Items marked on vlastivostyah metaloplastikovye v³kna wintering installation? Chi flat vstigne strongly oholoditisya hour installation v³kna? Ts³ that pod³bn³ supply part zadayut spozhivach³ have yakih supply zam³ni Old v³kon on nov³ Postal sama incold weather rock.
I want to become v³drazu skazati scho metaloplastikov³ v³kna will be nad³yno sluzhiti i zber³gati svo¿ visok³ funkts³onaln³ vlastivost³ Square od addition, if the stink boule vstanovlen³ - vzimku abo vl³tku. Yak³sn³ metaloplastikov³ v³kna st³yk³ to whether yakogo mean atmospheric vpliv³v, frost, v³tram, strong litter i vitrimuyut digittemperature difference od -60 ° C to + 50 ° C.
Tehnolog³chn³ osoblivost³ installation metaloplastikovye v³kon vzimku
Metaloplastikov³ v³kna vstanovlyuyutsya vzimku ³z zastosuvannyam spets³alnih mounting mater³al³v scho m³styat in svoºmu sklad³ protivomorozn³ components yak³ zabezpechuyut zcheplennya dotichnih poverhon The Best, n³zh zvichayn³ mater³ali.So, napriklad, « Zimov » the mounting p³na, get used to zap³nennya mounting shv³v, rozshiryuºtsya at temperatur³ to - 15 ° C.
OOO All p³dgotovch³ robots at vstanovlenn³ metaloplastikovye v³kon held in prim³schenn³, and the installation v³kna bezposeredno in v³konny otv³r profes³ynoyu Brigade montazhnik³v zd³ysnyuºtsya protyagom 30-35 hvilin . WTsey hour and the temperature in the prim³schenn³ not vstigaº strongly znizitisya. All installation processes metaloplastikovye v³kna s p³dgotovchim i zavershalnim Etap zaymaº not b³lshe p³vtori Godin.
Sl³d zaznachiti scho vstanovlennya metaloplastikovye v³kon in cold weather rock Got i taku perevagu yak Shvidky viyavlennya mozhlivih nedol³k³v in protses³ installation (protyag, sapot³vannya) that ¿h usunennya instantly.

Author: World of translation
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