How to choose a quality window profile

World of translation : Construction
, 10:29

As a rule, the one who buys a ca.does not know how to distinguish quality from poor-quality window profile, but the temptation to give him less money and at the same time save money – at high order. But a useful answer to this question to our deep regret comes quite late, but anything can not afford to change and it will be difficult.

Whenconducted a conversation about the profiles of plastic, we mean quality components at the molecular, structural level, as well as the clarity of the process of the production, which will meet the state standards. Based on the foregoing, in absolutely every house windows are not made of plastic mounted on 1 year, it would be desirable for many decades, the nagorevshy inquestion the reliability of the quality of performance will be a key.

Quality components for windows

Particularly important thing that determines the price, it's only quality components for windows. The composition comprises a profile about ten of existing components, they are also directly relate to those produktam, of the highest technology. In what way the original component created in the form of PVC crushed powder in bright white. However, without special processing of the PVC can not be used as the material for the work and accordingly to the auxiliary components are added thereto to obtain a uniform consistency, then after definitely donee procedure you can start processing. Under such a plan inclusions can be understood: concentrates of polymer modifiers for special shock-resistant viscosity, pigments, fixing agents, lubricants, and other components.

Selection of additives

Selection of unique supplements directlydepends on the selection of technologies for further processing, and more of those requirements that apply to the products. Take an example from the same material used by the addition of various structural components can eventually get polyethylene bags or durable water pipes.

The same components in a composition made of complex expensive chemicals. At the manufacturer's profile may suddenly appear a temptation, in order to reduce the cost of production because check the required amount of additives without examination – it is not possible. Here's an example: oxide Titanium – chemical materialplain white powder, it is responsible for the contrasting white Profile – should be part of the profile, this is an essential component for the preservation of lasting color for the life of the window. The technology of the highest oxygen purification titanium needs more cash cost, and the buyer is unlikely to immediately notice if VDRHS manufacturer will save the budget for technology this may result in just a couple of years.

Preparation of raw materials and the production of window profiles

At the time of preparation of raw materials is quite important and accurate proportional mixing of the components used in the resulting mass. If a raw component presents tTavlya uneven manner, the output eventually appear fragile and strong places. Therefore, a clear control and a clear preparation of ingredients in 100% of cases can alter significantly the quality of the profile.

With a further step in the production of window profiles need solid experience and qualifications – this is the correct coolingprofiles at a given temperature and a clear formation of the shape of the profile. This process is hardly possible without special skills and care. Usually customers for a sample show a piece Profile: may appear outwardly, fine, but when receiving the product is easy to find many flaws – one neplotno adjacent shutters schelit in the technological field interfacing frame profile, and other shortcomings. Geometric extrusion disadvantages can usually be found on the new profile only, and not shown on the template, and eventually, the presence of these defects, buyer already identifies the newly assembled window and the expected joy youfunds entrusted to it by turns to disappointment.

Certificate ISO 9001

If you pick him out windows made of plastic in a solid or in any city some large region with a lot of profiling stores, you should be guided by the presence of a special certificate of ISO 9001, itdesigned to ensure the best quality of the products. And just so we want to strongly recommend all buyers initially pay your attention to the fact whether the production company certified standard (GOST), and in some cases and the European special certificate and a list of design laws, they are applied to industrial products – RAL special document. In the presence of these documents does attesting the conformity of an object to certain technical requirements of technical regulations, provide an opportunity you do not get a lot of unintended consequences when buying a plastic designs.


To summarize, if you impose new windows for a ridiculous price, several times Estimate: well unless the manufacturer will work to the detriment of himself, to give you a huge difference in price? Most likely, he was not interested in nuance quality products, and the main aspect is the easy profit. To continue Affairsamb repair information will help you -.

Author: World of translation
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