How to choose laminate

World of translation : Construction
, 11:31

Almost all brilliant, as you know, just. In the construction and repairactually one of the « evidence » this « Theorem » is laminate . This is a flooring in our country became known recently. However, even 20 years ago in the former DickovInca, he immediately attracted attention, literally « let us make a lot of noise » and earning quite opposite opinions and reviews.
However, the rapidly developing construction and repair technologies, and building materials market today offers all interested in the wide range, the difference isXia, not only in the colors, shape and texture of the outside, as it was before. True to choice laminate as well, namely its performance in accordance with the purpose and operating characteristics, today is a pledgeom his long and successful service.

Benefits laminate and

So, this type of flooring a number of advantages. Among them are not only the diversity ofcolors and patterns, as well as the size, but also the ease and speed of installation (simple Locksmith, or adhesive means), practicality, durability, hygiene, undemanding to care for. And so it is, justifiably puts these advantages to the category of benefits, especially in combination with usually affordable cost.

Errors choice e laminate and

And here, unfortunately, many people tend to make a serious mistake when choice e, t Guidednly only its aesthetic characteristics and minimum cost. And to do that, you should not. The fact that laminate The price depends not only on its design and brand the manufacturer is, but also on its performance class, that is, TIPA and room category, which is designed for one or the other laminate . That is why the seemingly identical to the appearance of similar products, price range can vary within wide limits.
So, the foundation of any laminate and is   chipboard or MDF, which is covered with several layers of special paper (with the necessary colors and even texture) impregnated layer and the coated melamine resin. The thickness of a wooden base, but also on the quality and thickness of the resin layer and the independent demands performance of flooring , as well as its price. So, laminate for laying the floor in the bedroom where the load and humidity are minimal naturally value and different in properties from the products,Designed for use in large administrative and commercial center with high traffic and therefore loads, areas with high and high humidity, etc.

Selection laminate and

So, choice laminate and should start with the group, namely – home or commercial use. Often on product packaging corresponding icon is present, extensionfrovat force under even a child – house (homes and apartments), block or multi-storey building (commercial and public facilities). In addition, some types of laminate and are designed for indoor use with the system « Heated floor & raquo ;, as well as the present mark.
Next, you need to realistically assess site-specific future use laminate and a select it must be the class of the possible 6.
Classes laminate and also indicate on the package are two-digit code, where the first digit – this type of premises, sometimes replaced by an icon (« 2 » - Housing, « 3 » - for public places), and the second (1 to 3) – the intensity of the load on the floor (laneedvizheniya). &Nbsp;
Often justifiable « a safety » measure will choice laminate and the class of « to reserve & raquo ;. So for the bedroom, you can select class of 23, while for the home kitchen or hallway – 32. It will be more expensive now, but in 6-8 years the problem of replacing the flooring you will not touch.

Author: World of translation
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