Scho Takeo PlayStation 4 Pro?

World of translation : Computers
, 13:41

Sony versile not chekati SMN pokoli I released onovleny version so flagmask konsol PlayStation 4 Pro (CE vdoskonalennya PS4 version). In consol vstanovleni Nove, more patoine zalizo, added Patrika 4K rozshirennya I has the be called a few more novovedeny. Proyshla 3 rocky s time to exit orignale PS4, that clcom Logone scho Sony versile . switi.

Here it is important to understand, scho PlayStation 4 Pro - TSE not grow console new pokolinnya and prinny upgrade. On TSE the company especially Napier in their presentations, Kazuki scho not sbiraetsya razdelyat sputhwest gravv, but just vypuska console for the, who of mozhlivosti PS4 vzhe Zaman. By the way, bought a PlayStation 4 Pro you can Create in Internet MAGAZIN: .


Chime Pro version Varanasi from zvicina origenalno?

PS4 Pro Mid slayed Nova zalizo, Yak daє approximative podini print produktivnost in Parveen s poczatkowo versa. TSI dodatkow paternost dopomozhut rozrozniamy palpiti usually skladova in grah, and also the frequency CATV. Ale the most important thing - the stench to permit consol, vivocity image z razdelno statstg 4K.

together with the CIM, design for PS4 Pro obzavedutsya patrickou HDR technology Yak digit zblu glibina koloru I kontrastnosti. In this regard I jazz HDR 4K povinn to Vijesti Graco in grah at Novi riven, and, if priluchalisya to SLV ochevidtsev, all so I vihodit: Novi design in Pro-vers vigladit nabagato vigrass, than on zvychainy PS4 and Stari design seryozno honouliuli vdott from Gris.

Sony is not sbiraetsya razdelyat sputhwest gravv, and the fact Exclusiv for PlayStation About not plants. However paternost consol otkrivaut be called a few more ccawi of mozliwosci.

for example, in deyakih grah, zrazok Nioh, mozhna bude storage mode, and I produktivnost quality grafti.

Varto considered, scho to tsogo you potreben bude 4K TV set. On a typical HDTV Pro version consol smoge poradovali you lachey papstin spacemany a 60 frames per second (scho however, the Ter duzhe it's important). Unfortunately, not everything will patriality igri 4K, omegawiki pardon Absalom. And for vzhe old Igor widout ponovleniya, after yakih ti become vigliadeti truski better, navti without godnic 4K HDR I.


Scho s virtualnoy realnosti?

Garnter PlayStation VR and without console Pro-vers wyglada duzhe curiously, and combat s new console STA has krasow. Zavdyaki paternoster consol unable pcvisit rozshirennya pictures. The difference from the old Versu Patna newsbank a look, scho yakscho VI sbiraetsya kupovati VR-Sholom from Son, je Sens zadumatsa has I Pro Pro PS4.
For comfortno Gris s VR rekomendatsi also obzavelis controllers PS Move.

Pobachiti resnicy for DOPOMOGA Perevalnogo video to dosit smoothly, however, igri have virtualni realnost vdovets on PS4 Pro nabagato ctcle I pratsyuyut likely.


Chi Varto kupovati PS4 Pro?

Here it is important to considered be called a few more factors. Chi what you have a 4K TV set z patrickou HDR ABO Chi sbiraetsya VI kupovati Yogo nayblyzhchym hour? If so, something about the purchase of Pro-vers PS4 bezperechno Varto zadumatsya. Such a situation W I h VR-Shalom: igri have virtualni realnost on Pro-vers vigladit nabagato better.

Well, yakscho tsogo vsogo no I don't planusa, I in Novi model prefix Ter no osoblivo neophot, I can oboitis old. Prestou, Igor will z they decided to appear patch, that troch palpate Graco. All one take rznic, Yak mizh PS3 I PS4, nayblyzhchym hour..

And yakscho vie W sche tilki sbiraetsya vivatia in the world of consoles, the PS4 Pro Mauger the way vtmenu point of entry. Library Igor have ne vzhe digit, and I Patrika 4K VR navt when wasalmost you vsogo tsogo in Danian time, maybe the way in nagod in niblick rocky.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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