Burnt by the Sun 2
Division commander Kotov has fallen victim of Stalin's repressions. His wife Marusia finished her life in the camps. Officer of the NKVD - uncle Mityai cut his veins and died in his bathroom, whistling a popular motif. So ended the oscar-winning film " Burnt by the Sun" (1994). One would think that this is the end of history? But not. Creative impulses of major artists can revitalize personages more successfully then the brigade of professional reanimators…
According to Nikita Mikhalkov, the first impulse to work on dilogy " Burnt by the Sun" ("Anticipation" and "Citadel") arose after watching film "Saving Private Ryan" by Steven Spielberg. After all, if to believe the American pictures about the Second World War (others pictures, supposedly, today's young people look rarely), is created a very clear impression: the victory over Nazi Germany was gained by the Allies.
And Nikita Sergeyevich decided to make a modern entertaining film about the heroism of Soviet people. And beloved characters should help in this noble mission. The fact that Mikhalkov personally let the characters in flow rate does not embarrass him. Director explains the rapid collective resurrection of his characters in such a way: «In those times it often happened, that the people about whose death were reported their relatives, in fact, were alive».
However, this argument did not convince the author of " Burnt by the Sun" - Rustam Ibragimbekov. When, in 2000, Nikita Mikhalkov, has shared with screenwriters his idea to shoot a sequel of famous film, the latter one had refused. Whatever the case, Mikhalkov had soon found a replacement for difficile dramatist. At different stages of the " Burnt-2" have worked ten screenwriters, among them - eminent Gleb Panfilov, Vladimir Moiseenko and Alexander Novototsky - the creators of "The Return" by Andrei Zvyagintsev.
Acquaintance of journalists with the plot of unexpected sequel took place in 2003. Just then was organized a public reading of the draft scenario of " Burnt-2". The writing fraternity adopted this work with interest. Separate "delights" deserved a scene in which drowning Nadya Kotova saved herself by gripping the German floating mine. A priest was her neighbor on unusual floating facility. In the culmination a spiritual person baptize the daughter of divisional commander by seawater. Despite the scoff publications in which was mentioned the moment, which raised morale, director did not sacrificed episode. But already less willingly began to trust a public the details of the plot.
Information about the events of "Anticipation" fits in a few lines. Kotov who was considered shot dead had miraculously survived. In the early days of the war, he escaped from bombed by Germans camp and gets on the front as a private of penalty battalion. Kotov's daughter Nadia seeking him - she still refuses to believe that his father was killed. Uncle Mityai, now - NKVD colonel, Marusya's husband and Nadya's stepfather also seeking a former prisoner by Stalin's order…
All key roles in the new film still play the same actors, as in 1994 year. The only exception is Ingeborga Depkunayte. Instead of her Victoria Tolstatoganova has played the role of Marusya. Officially, Ingeborga was dismissed because of employment in the TV show. Nikita Mikhalkov said: «I do not see any opportunity for serious actors to combine one with another. Whether they want or do not want degradation occurs. I asked her, warned, but apparently it was too late». Unofficially version sounds disappointing for those who hoped to see highly artistic film on their screens. Meticulous actress read the scenario, it caused bewilderment in her and she had refused Maitre.