Elfing vs trolling
Now already its not a secret for anybody what is trolling, but the origin of the word is still unclear - on the basis of the origin of the term « trolling» is laid or English word « trolling», which means «fishing on troll», or English word «to trawl», which means «fishing by seine». The latter is explained by the fact that troll through the global network catches the attention to his own person. However, the author of the article prefer version, that the name of the term derives from the name of unpleasant mythological creatures - trolls.
And though the origin of the term is unknown, we know the best weapon against them - ignoring. This negates the very meaning of the activity of overwhelming majority of trolls.
Along with trolling also is known another, much less studied, but no less interesting internet-phenomenon, and its name is - elfing. By its essence it perfectly illustrates philosophical principle of unity and struggle of opposites - being by direction of actions absolute opposite to trolling, elfing pursues by equal account the same goals - a provocation of interlocutor on expressive, not very thoughtful, emotional actions. Elf activity, as was already mentioned, has a diametrically opposite direction. In practice, it looks like this: in the discussion suddenly appears some person, who not only begins to actively agree with topikstarter (or other participant of the discussion, if elfing is directed not at the author of the topic), but also praise to the skies his judgmentsas well as age, gender, nationality and eye color of beloved dog of elfing object from neighboring porch.
The first emotion which feels user affected by elfing - is pride. After all its nice when you are praised. But soon the pride grows into confusion, and under the influence of the fact, that its impossible to force the elf shut up - into the annoyance. Usually, this ends by bringing person affected by elfing to distraction and ban of elf (if the user has such powers).
And then comes pangs of conscience, supposedly, come such a wonderful person in the topic and he was banned.
Of course, this is not so nasty, as rough and thick trolling, but it reaches its goal - unnerving those to whom its directed. After all, if you think about it, the goals of the troll and elf are the same - to ruffle, to get nervous and better rave about.Classics of the genre, that is, of course, classics of elfing - this is Commissioner Colombo from the eponymous serial - outlining the suspect, he uses reinforced elfing - always enthuses suspect and praises everything what he do, asking for autographs and in all possible way expresses his admiration. And, usuallyall this is happening at the most inappropriate moment. Its almost impossible to get rid of elf-Colombo, there are no reasons to drive him out, and to scold - means to acknowledge your own ignorance and boorishness. At least you can ban internet- elf without explanation.
As is the case with the troll, the most difficult - is to recognize elf in time. Nothing human is alien to us, but a good word is pleasant even for cat and that is why we are often caught in the elven praises and compliments. But to take a willful decision, in order to ban the elf is not given to everyone. Therefore, the only acting method of fighting with the contingent is the same, as with its opposite - ignoring. Seeing that its feeble efforts have no effect, elf also, as troll, most often disappears.