Equestrian sport

World of translation : Sport
, 12:17

horse mustang

Horse riding is now very popular. And female temptation to join the modern Amazon is great. Equestrian sportSo having thrown the boring aerobics, tennis or dancing, many women streamed into the equestrian clubs and to the racetracks.

If you also decided to keep up with fashion trends and try yourself as rider, then, of course,  you should begin with selection of the school, where you will learn how to stay in the saddle and control the horse.

Equestrian sport riderNow there enough such clubs or schools. It is important that club has an extensive and well-fenced area. Fence - an indispensable thing: if the horse will suddenly bear rider, then he can't run away cross the fence and will be easily caught. The wealthy clubs should have the areas, where there are no strangers, for example owners of dogs, allowing their pet to run at large. The horse may instinctively react on any animal and it will be very difficult to hold him.

horse and riderThere are certain rules in order to avoid injury and all kinds of trouble. You are obliged to pass instructing on the first lesson. But the most important rules of behavior with animal, you need to learn before the start of training. The three of them are so often told that they are remembered for a lifetime.

First - do not approach a horse from behind, because he can kick you. Stay away from other horses, when you riding. Suddenly the animal can decide to kick his companion.

Second - in any  case is not recommended to unrein. Otherwise, the horse will feel the taste of freedom and you will need to run behind him throughout the territory.

Third - the horse has a great sense of smell and doesn't tolerate drunk and even tipsy people. Obviously, this glaring point has no relation to you, but you must be aware of this subtlety.

horse and girlWhat shall you wear? Clearly, the skirt is not appropriate for riding. Wear some stretching pants. And better - breeches. They let you freely sit on a horse without restricting movement. Top should match the weather. Take a look at experienced athletes-equestrians. Usually they prefer vests: heat is retained, but the hands are free. Footwear - boots, always with bootlegs on low heels. Shoes with laces are not suitable, because there is a risk to get stuck in the stirrups in the case of a fall.

horse gallopsClothing, and other attributes for riding, can be purchased at specialty stores. Typically, these stores are located right at the clubs. Horse is provided for rent along with all necessary equipment: saddles, bridles, stirrups and whip. Keep in mind that, will have to to take care about your horse: to feed him and clean the stables.

black horseFor the beginning private lessons with professional instructor will be better for you. Of course, they are more expensive than in the group, but your task is to learn how to sit firmly in the saddle. At a certain level of skill, when will you feel, that you can already do without the instructor, then go to the group training.

Very soon you will notice that you holding in the saddle as a young Amazon. Your hobby will benefit not only you health but also will make you beautiful and graceful.

bay horse Horse riding is a great way to relieve stress after a hard week of work. Everyone without exception is recommended to be engaged in horseback riding. While riding at the same time are trained all the muscles of the abdomen, back, legs - providing smartness of figure and flat stomach. Grueling hours of training in the gym are required in order to achieve the same result. Horseback riding helps to strengthen and keep in good shape organs of entire urogenital system. This occurs due to the indirect massage of internal organs while riding.

Horse - is a large and powerful animal, which has a strong biofield, which salutarily influences on human.

Video: "Equestrian"

Author: World of translation
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