The role of the media in human psychological programming

World of translation : Psychology
, 13:52

Like a modern information provided to the media or not, itIt is an integral part of market and processes of modern life as a whole. In the competitive environment of a large number of producers of the same goods, broadcasters, political parties provide the information goes beyond simple information calculated on the conscious perception and transformed into a more effective joint venturespecial effect - in psychological programming, subliminal suggestion.

Focusing on the unconscious the scope of the individual, to the hidden instincts, various types of information, films and advertising exert pressure on the human psychea. Especially this effect is subject to the youth.

  • In the first place, in search of popular scientific information, it often adults access the Internet, magazines, and all these information flows are accompanied by advertising (usually the sale of goods and acquaintances);
  • Second, young people are more umotsionalno vulnerable, susceptible;
  • Third, young people more time than adults, spends watching TV and the Internet.

media widely advertise alcoholic beverages and cigarettes. This has a negative impact on young people, who takes the example of the behavior of young people in advertising, orfilms where the protagonists are anti-social way of life, but are presented as positive. So better to limit TV viewing informative TV programs and news, for example, on the "First Channel":.

The problems associated with substance abuse (psychological active substances, ie, alcohol, drugticks, and other psychotropic substances, which in some way affect the psychological state of man), is gradually becoming one of the main challenges of human civilization. Awareness of the risk of further spread of the epidemic of drug and alcohol dependence activates the production of the state policy in the field ohthe wounds of public health moral, peace and public order. There is a constant search for means to combat this social scourge, government and public organizations in many countries are trying to create new channels of influence on mass consciousness in order to prevent further growth of the number of maimed and sick.

As you know, a turning point in the development of our country coincided with the transfer of all of the modern world in a qualitatively new stage of social development, is characterized as a" post-industrial society "or" information society ", in which human activity is based on the use of services provided to through information and communikativnyh technologies. The system of mass media becomes the primary means of shaping public awareness, dissemination of economic, political and cultural ideas. Media today is not only a conductor of information of public interest, and in a certain way themselves dictate the way and the formation of social communication.

Of particular importance in the use of the powerful influence of the media acquires the ability to find new and innovative approaches to coverage of topics related to the overcoming of social vices. Unlike other components of prevention programs, the media are able to influence not only on individuals but also on the entire socials group or society as a whole.


The media and communications, advertising, public relations elements in relation to the spread of alcoholism and substance use, are quite pronounced dualistic. On the one hand, it is through the media and advertising prevalenceanyayutsya certain attitudes that promote the use of psitropnyh substances as an integral part of human life. On the other hand - that the media have a strong impact channels to prevent further deployment drug epidemic.

Author: World of translation
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