Features light and sound equipment

World of translation : Music
, 07:18

Today, everywhere, and everywhere andded use different digital technologies. But still do not recommend the use of professional audio equipment in different institutions, because at the same technical characteristics, in chips and tubes amplifiers vary in clarity.

I would like to note that modern digital technology has greatly nroigryvayut. Only analog equipment can allow to achieve a soft, live sound and tone. That is why professionals particularly appreciate the old vinyl records, then between the melodies and the songs are no empty pauses. Popular DJs that are used in the vinyl assess their work many times more expensive than those useduet professional sound equipment only with digital media.

Features installation of equipment

should be installed only if the rough finish of the premises. Experts often complain that customers choose the equipment, as well as ordersvayut its installation when finishing work, repair facilities already finished. But do not forget that the installation and connection of the light and sound equipment – This cables, wires   and sockets, which must be carefully mounted, and, of course, to hide, to not spoil inindoor appearance.

Ideally, make a decision on installing professional lighting equipment in a particular room, it is best to advance. This is necessary so that you can plan everything much earlier and thus avoid the need for more time to hollow ceilingand walls. To date, the cost of installation, taking into account all the necessary wiring is ten - fifteen percent of the total cost of the equipment , and it is much cheaper than, for example, abroad where this figure is almost half the cost of the equipment .

Installation time sound and light equipment in the   restaurant, cafe or disco can of the order of one week. And the lighting equipment for the stage was a huge concert stage can be installed for about a month.

If for obustroystva own cafes, restaurants, clubs or discos you decide to buy lighting equipment, as well as sound equipment, you should take into account that two thirds of the total value of equipment is necessary to give birth, and one-third of – the sound. Quite often, the cost   Lighting equipmentsof   It is more expensive, and thus the installation will be much harder. An exception may be cases where significant   necessary and sound equipment is more important than light. This could be, for example, during the arrangement of fashion since the presence of discos, where musical equipment   DJs, as well as various musical GRUPP is quite expensive.

Author: World of translation
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