What is the best stove for baths?
World of translation : Construction
25 Nov 2014, 15:58
Any type of furnace has its disadvantages and npoles of. Therefore, before you buy a stove for a bath, you need to understand its characteristics. By the way, you can purchase. There are the following tipi furnaces for baths: gas, wood, electric, metal. Let us consider their advantages and disadvantages.
Gas stove
- possible to use for water heating;
- good heating rate;
- support the desired temperature in the steam room.
- if the gas is not connected,then the furnace bath will have a lot of gas cylinders;
- large size.
Electric oven
- no problems with the chimney and the manipulation of wood;
- compactst;
- full bezopast (there is a thermostat and fuse from overheating);
- electric furnace can be turned off at any time;
- quickly warms the room up to the desired temperature and keep it for as long as you need.
- possible limitation of the number of kilowatts of electricity, which is allocated to the consumer.
Wood Stove
- Anyway, wood stove – best furnace for a bath that create a unique pairatmosphere.
- this bath have not folded;
- rather slowly warmed up;
- takes a lot of firewood for heating.
Metal furnace
- is rapidly growing air temperature;
- is a possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning;
- they do not need to build a special foundation;
- aesthetics;
- ecology;
- economy;
- tank for water heating can be positioned where you are comfortable and have a stone backfill thermal camera.
- quickly cools offVaeth;
- heating surface is uneven;
- fuel cells need to make deep and capacious;
- necessarily need a cast iron grate.