Overclocking: processor.

World of translation : Computers
, 14:50

Processor overclocking

It is known that advanced users use processor overclocking more than a dozen years. The passionate enthusiasts can be considered a pioneers in this case.

 Processor overclocking biosEarlier to overclock CPU, you need to solder in special components to electrical circuit of the motherboard (eg transistors with active resistance). After some time, this procedure has become much easier to run: to lock the jumpers, you need to use a special contacts. Today, it is still easier: you can sit quietly on a comfortable sofa and change the settings in the BIOS, and in many cases these operations are carried out at all in the interface of the operating system.
However, in this scenario, not everything is very joyful, as it seems at first glance. When there is a promotion of a particular sector, the qualification of employers inevitably reduced. Such can be seen in overclocking. First, it was necessary to have enough knowledge for overclocking, and now a similar function can even use preschool children. It is known that a large number of people, even heard a single word about the dangers of overclocking. To be perfectly honest, it does not a myth, but - a true reality.
Processor overclockingPerhaps, it is necessary, to start with the obvious details. It is known that overclocking - it is increase of the specific to your computer factory settings. In this case, you has one goal - to obtain better performance. The clock rate can be considered the main characteristic of the processor. To increase this value, it is necessary to increase the operating voltage of the processor. Similar factors, taken together, can have a negative impact on the work of microelectronics. In this case occurs a reducing of the lifetime of the device. Everyone, of course, want to see the exact digits. But, probably no one has these data. On the web you can see quite detailed information with ghostly digits: if you increase the CPU temperature by 10 degrees, then the life of a central component will reduced for 10 years. If significant technological differences in generations of microchips are considered, then this information is not even approximately accurate.
Processor overclockingIf you will read the more realistic research results, it becomes clear, that is not everything bad. It is known that the current models of the CPU can serve 1520 years (continuous work). PC of real gamer only in rare cases is working more than 12 hours a day. Therefore, the average model of the processor in the nominal operating mode is able to work for 30 years. If conditions are most unfavorable, in the case of extreme overclocking, this term will be reduced the maximum two times (up to 15 years). You understand, when 5-10 years will pass, the performance of even the most powerful CPU model can be considered funny. So the processor both morally and technically goes down much earlier than ends it workable period due to overclocking.

Video: "How to Overclock a CPU"

Author: World of translation
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  • avatar
    Sonk - 20.11.2012, 22:43
    Very risky deal, but after overclocking processor if fling.
  • avatar
    Zak - 28.11.2012, 12:55
    Overclocking in good think but it must be done with mind.
  • avatar
    Benji - 29.11.2012, 15:48
    i am afraid to overclock but my frieds have done this and the productivity of their PC's much raised.
  • avatar
    Koldy - 29.11.2012, 20:44
    Buy Core i7 Extreame and you will not have to overcloack your PC.
  • avatar
    Wander - 2.12.2012, 00:32
    Overclocking is interesting and risky way to improve the performance of PC but results cost this risk.
  • avatar
    Marselo - 12.12.2012, 06:45
    Good info i will try this tips on my PC.
  • avatar
    Rob - 12.12.2012, 18:23
    To be honest I do not care. Anyone stupid enough can try to overclock their prossesors but results are not predictable.
  • avatar
    Dereck - 13.12.2012, 12:08
    Its better to buy new prossesor then risk and try to overclock old one.