What is a computer game

World of translation : Computers
, 14:11

The computer or video game is a sophisticated computer program (forannex), which was created for leisure guests (passionate gamers games are often called) through gameplay. Computer game (CI) is designed to organize, organize, subdue the gameplay some particular purpose (eventually - the passing game), to establish a connection and interaction between gamers themselves (with CEtevoy command or a single game). The history of the development of the CI is continuously connected with the development of computer technology - any activity requires temporary interruptions. Personnel involved in the information space, have not found anything better for entertainment and recreation, how to combine work and, indeed, rest, thereby creating a new business segmentin the form of clinical trials. Since the creation of the first prototypes of the CI in the 50-60-ies of the last century, a variety of ideas, visualization, technical capacity and consumption CI increased significantly if the second half of the twentieth century, the first game to work on powerful university research platforms (meynfreymy) and bears little resemblance to modern counterparts, the latestCI samples become more "portable" and work on all modern gadgets (PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones). Given the diversity of clinical trials, their classification also occurs on several criteria. And what criteria will tell us Klimov AD - the employee portal of computer games.

Computere games vary depending on the:

  • game genre (action, shooters, role-playing (RPG), adventure, strategy, simulators, puzzles, etc.);
  • the number and mode of interaction of players (single, multi-user);
  • platform (PC, xBox, PS).

Author: World of translation
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