Modern decorative techniques

World of translation : Art
, 18:47

Modern decorative techniques


One of the oldest ways to create a pattern on the fabrics - nodular method. Its essence is that the fabric bundles tied off with rope, and then immersed in a bucket of paint.marmorierung Marmorierung - one of the most interesting techniques in the decorators art its essence is reduces to the fact that the ink stains of different colors are transferred from the liquid on a solid surfaces,  as a result appear drawings that resemble the texture of marble. So you can decorate almost any surface.   Marmorierung technique is suitable for decoration of the glass, plastic, wood, cardboard, paper, metal, plaster and even fabric.

Using of this technique requires special paints that are sold in a wide range, so it will not be hard to select the required hues  .
Marmorierung technique is good because it can be applied to any subject of any material from paper to metal, plastic, or plaster. Acrylic solvent based dyes is used for the application of marble divorces. Marmorierung process is quite simple - into the container with water drip some paint. Lightly stir the paint on the surface, you can get a unique drawing, which is similar to the texture of marble. To transfer the resulting pattern on the subject, it is enough to propped it to the water surface for a couple seconds.

Marmorierung provides a wide opportunities for improvisation, it maximally  allows to demonstrate the most of your imagination and create a unique items, that differ with individuality and beauty. In the process of creating of a drawing, you can use one color or mix several colors to get new interesting pattern. Blue, yellow and red colors form the basis, by mixing which you can get a variety of shades. In addition, in the technique can be used gold, silver, black and white colors. Once the image was imprinted on the surface of the product, you can continue to dream and create new patterns.

Painting on fabric

painting on fabricSince ancient times, people have decorated  fabrics with hand painting.   Despite the ancient roots, the technique of fabric  painting, even today causes a genuine interest in many people. This is not surprising, because it allows you to decorate a variety of textile items: scarves and clothing, curtains, interior items  and even the bed linens.

  When thinking about art in terms of uniqueness and originality of items, then batik can be considered one of the most interesting destinations. Each product in this technique of painting on fabric is unique due to the fact that the work is performed entirely  manually.

  The essence of technology is that, the part of the fabric on which the paint should not go, filled with wax or paraffin, which prevents the getting of the paint on this piece of tissue. Impregnation is used for this purpose is called reserving composition. After drying of the reserve, remaining areas of tissue are paint over  in accordance with the selected picture.

 Cold batik technique is most simple and accessible, so it does not require compliance of the complicated technology. Reserving composition is applied to the outline of the picture, and details of  the picture are paint over after it dries. Obtained figure is clear and bright enough.

  Hot batik technique is not so simple.  The hot wax is there in the role of the reserve. On the one hand, it enriches the picture, because you can fill not only the contours, but also some parts of the picture. This gives the opportunity to work on a drawing, using the layering of the paint of different colors on each other.

  Nodular method is one of the oldest ways to create a patterns on the fabrics .  Its essence is that the fabric is strapped with nodules with a rope,  and after this it dipped in a container with paint. Places, tied with a rope, are not painted over, and you end up with a simple pattern of stripes or circles.  To refer this method to one of the types of batik is not quite true - rather, it is one of the types of  manual fabrics  dyeing.

So many people loved  free painting technique, due to the freedom of expression that it provides. An artist can not only express his imagination, but also create a truly valuable piece of art, if his abilities allow this.  Typically, this technique uses special inks, but do not always use the reserve. However, particularly interesting work carried out partly in the free technique, partially - with the use of the reserve.

Decoupage technique

decoupage technique Decoupage technique allows a person with no special artistic skills to create beautiful, interesting and unusual items that are unique and are the only of their kind. Created with love, they can decorate and contribute a peculiar flavor to the interior.

  Decoupage in essence - is one of the variations of the application. From napkins, photographs, magazines, etc. cut out images, similar in style, and glue them on prepared surface of the object. After drying, if its necessary, the image is fixed with lacquer.
  Decoupage rather recently gained popularity in Europe and in Russia because of a simple technique that gives a beautiful, decorative result. Translated from the French word decoupage means "cut", which basically reflects the essence of the process.
 Napkins with pictures are frequently used for decoupage, as they perfectly take the form of the subject and lay down on any surface.  But in this technique are used not only napkins, but also any other paper drawings that can be glued to the surface - clippings from magazines, labels, etc.

Author: World of translation
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  • avatar
    MArk - 19.11.2012, 07:35
    Painting on fabric looks incredable. I am amazed with it!