Development of corporate style

World of translation : Business
, 16:59

pursues its primary objective "selection" Compans against the background of competing organizations, creating an unforgettable image in the eyes of a potential customer. In its structure, the style of the company - it is a set of graphical and voice forms that share one certain idea by which creates a kind of communicative medium between producer and consumer. The better will be organized thisWednesday, this relationship, the more recognizable and popular will your brand. The very notion of identity emerged in the early twentieth century, when the competition of companies operating in one area increased and it became necessary to create a better image of the rest. What can we say about the realities of the present day, when the number of competing companies calculateXia not dozens, but hundreds and thousands. Bright corporate style - it is sometimes the only way to somehow stand out in terms sverhkonkurentsii market. The style and its development and promotion based on the company's logo. In order to create high-quality, eye-catching logo, you need to thoroughly research the market for Distinctiveitelnyh features of your company, generate a « semantic image or idea » - The basis of the development strategy of the company. This is a whole system approach and relationship that allows for visual elements, psychology geography, sociology - are no unimportant details. "Carrier" of your corporate identity can be absolutely anythingused to work: from pens, stationery, business cards, packages, calendars to advertising, site and design of the building.

style components:

  • logo;
  • slogan;
  • colors;
  • Companiesenny font;
  • diagram layout.

If you want to ensure bright future of the company in a saturated market, create a unique image – is the key to your success!

Author: World of translation
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