Defining Marketing

World of translation : Economy
, 16:05

In fact, the term « Marketing » means:

    market - the market, market, marketing, sale, price, rate (Americanized - grocery store);
  • to bring the market to buy and sell on the market, to market, to find markets;
  • marketing - activities in the market (inq - oic semantic verb formand - active action);
  • market getting - the mastery of the market.

The definition of marketing

In doing so, we help razobratsya   PetrenkoA. - employee school center " Finkont " : , where you can go courses Marketing .

1) F. Kotler - Marketing - a very human activity aimed precisely at meeting the needs and wants through exchange usually;

2) Marketing - Typically, a social process, which is often a simple goal is to obtain by direct exchange or same marketska necessary goods and services as well as for individuals and all social groups, and it is at the enterprise level;

3) Marketing - a mechanism to ensure a decent standard of living (for a specific point in time);

4) Marketing - a system of organization is often all the activities of the company is to develop, manufacturersnosti and marketing of goods and services has become the basis for monitoring Ktorov Rink and also a comprehensive study of demand;

5) J.-J. Lamba - Marketing - believe sotsialnm processes, which often has naprvlenie to the needs of people to share services and goods;

6) The company "Unilever" - Marketing - a planation and implementation of comprehensive activities are often directly related to the desired products, often with a view to implementing it optimal impact on the average consumer to provide sufficient maximum consumption at quite a reasonable price and as a result of the resultant long-term profits.

Author: World of translation
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