A phone fraudster could not deceive Bukovynka
The attacker took advantage of a known pattern of fraud, deal with the question of the alleged neprytyahnennya liable for the offense. And the scammer did not realize one thing - his victim asked worded by information in real policemen. "Before you call law enforcement. Your onlineun arrested for drugs and stored by the police. To address the issue of neprytyahnennya him to justice should just ... ten thousand "- words heard in the tube fixed phone 65-year-old resident of the village Korytn? Vyzhnytsky area. The frightened woman was initially ready to give money, but then decided Laneekonatysya, do not try to deceive her. My grandmother called the police department and Vyzhnytsky asked whether detained her grandson. The police found his address and refreshed uptight woman. The boy was at home and did not even know that for him "solve" the issue. To expose the attacker, police went to a smalltrick. Operatives meeting organized fraudster and his victims. When the villain came to money, he was already waiting staff Vyzhnytsky police department. 34-year-old chernivchanyn certainly did not expect to see law enforcement officers and began to assert that it allegedly asked an unidentified man, pick up money and he knows nothing about the fraud. Whether Mr.and find out the investigation. It is known that chernivchanyn previously held criminally liable for committing robbery. As the deputy chief of police department Vyzhnytsky Alexander Kysylytsya currently charged with investigating offenses provided attacker Part 1 Art. 190 (fraud) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. He faces restrictions Walland up to three years. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/