Vinnytchina: employees of state structures and public organizations of the region sought joint approaches to interact with people displaced from the conflict zones (+ photos)

The meeting "round table" on the subject, held on 15 July in the gallery Inter-Shik took part Deputy Director of the Department of Social Policy RSA PushAliyah Ostapenko, Deputy Director of Vinnytsia regional center of social services for families, children and young Olga Slobodyanyk, NGO representatives and journalists. The event was organized by the NGO "Progressive Women" as part of the project supported by the Democracy Fund of the US Embassy in Ukraine. The project goal - improvement of claimorozuminnya between internally displaced persons and indigenous people communities; improve the quality of services to citizens and resettled them adapt to life in a new place through training of civil servants and professionals who have direct contact with this group of the population. Regarding the problems faced by internally displaced persons, and etc.atsivnyky state structures in the interaction with their audience informed Natalia Ostapenko. In particular, it touched on the organization in the placement and employment of people who are temporarily moved to Vinnitsa region of conflict - the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk region, providing social benefits and assistance in adapting to districtew place. The official said: "At this point in 6985 being of families, and this - 11300 people from the eastern regions, and 352 families from the Crimea. For their placement was created register free housing, which is offered in different areas of the region, it is published on the website of the Department of Social Policy in the domain of telephone and contacts persons allowed to avoid rush upon arrival and allowed IDPs immediately go to the places of residence. " Participants in their speeches and comments sought ways of interaction and opportunities for comprehensive assistance to displaced citizens pursuant to the Law of Ukraine "On the rights and freedoms of internally peremischenyh people, "the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 06.11.2014 year №588« Social Security of citizens of Ukraine who moved from the temporarily occupied territories and regions of the antiterrorist operation. " The objective of the project is being implemented at Vinnytsia regional company feminists "Progressive Women" (PresidentNGO "Progressive Women" - Natalia Sergienko) defined a thorough examination of the situation in the region in respect of all the problems faced by displaced persons and employees of government agencies in the interaction with them. As part of its implementation will be conducted focus groups with IDPs, teachers, civil servants to clarify industry issues and developI am the best ways to address specific issues. According to the results of developments carried out focus groups to develop and conduct training sessions for employees of government agencies, print information materials for IDPs, teachers, civil servants. President of the NGO "Progressive Women" Natalya Sergienko their commentsx to the media said: "The expected outcome of the project is to develop understanding, reducing tension between the local population and IDPs, improving the quality of services internally displaced persons through an established interdisciplinary interaction of different public services and a clear mechanism to redirect. This will contribute to productivitytive interaction with IDPs, they receive the maximum possible help reduce stigma and discrimination, increase the level of confidence internally displaced persons to staff government agencies and communities. " This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
