Lviv traffic police joined the social project "City of professions"
Little Lions ’ Jana had a chance to feel like a real guardian of roads and even go on « patrol » together with the inspectors. Recently in Leo held social project « City Professions & raquo ;, which also joined the staff Derzhavtoinspektsiyi. This interactive event for children is traditionally held in the park named after Ivan Franko. At the entrance to the small makeshift town lions ’ Jana received « passport » of which held a job. Many children have decided to try himself in the role of inspectors. But before substitute for « & raquo ;, patrol babythere had to make a small test of traffic rules or answer questions thematic crossword. And then finally, young inspectors « went on patrol & raquo ;. In speaking to the protesters and their parents, police urged them to be always careful and attentive on the road, and adults were asked to showwool kids only good example. This was reported in the press service of the traffic police administration in Lviv regionSource: