Transcarpathia: Khust on 35-year-old doctor received a bribe from businessman

Employees of combating economic crimes of MIA of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region documented fact of extortion undue advantage Vyshkovo chief doctor clinic of general practice of family medicine. The police turned entrepreneur from tonotification of that demand a bribe from him for the lease of office which is located in the premises of the "clinic of general practice of family medicine" in the village. Vyshkovo Khust district. Yesterday in the course of operational activities Employees of combating economic crimes of MIA of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region was Zakkumentovano receiving undue benefits totaling 6000 USD. said the chief doctor of the medical institution. See also: Deadly accidents involving inhabitant Tyachiv district This 35-year-old Aesculapius in two stages received the money from the private entrepreneur. From the beginning at 11 o'clock - 2000 UAH., And then at 16.50 won the "second tranche" in the amount of 4000 USD. Onments of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Transcarpathian region. News of Transcarpathia - "Carpathian lens" Told
