Embroiderers Anne Slivinska presented the author exhibition "My Country - Ukraine"

The presentation of personal embroidery exhibition - Honoured Doctor of Ukraine head physician KUTOR "Health Center" Anna Slivinska - participated management of the Ternopil Regional State Administration and of Ternopol regional council. The exhibition that openDo June 17 in the lobby conference room of Ternopil University Hospital, Anna Slivinska devoted to Day of medical worker, reported the press service DOSES Toda. More than fifty works (and it is only part of what managed to embroider in life - Ed.), Combined mistress called "my country - Ukraine." Her work embroidered beads and cross stitchth. Everyone can leave your comments in the guestbook. Examining the exhibition, head of the Ternopil Regional State Administration Stepan Barna expressed admiration for the talent and skillful hands of masters Anna Slivinska. He instructed the Director of the Department of Health Vladimir smoked soon take care of the organization Analogtech exhibition masters Indoor regional administration. Main specialists visited the exhibition Department of Health Ternopil Regional State Administration jointly with the department director Vladimir smoked. The head of the medical branch edge expressed sincere podyvuvannya volume and high quality works of Anna Slivinska. Also present buDo not all major medical Ternopil - heads of city, district and regional health care institutions and educational medical institutions, central raylikaren, centers of primary health care clinics in general practice - family medicine and more. Highly rated masters and employees of the regional "center of emergency medicalassistance and disaster medicine ", which also visited the exhibition. By the way, doctors helping in the construction of engineering structures tenable in the Luhansk region. Visited the exhibition and deputy head of health and medical care Ternopil City Council Olga Yarmolenko. By the way, embroidery - master of folk art industrLiv - the art of embroidery is the fifth consecutive year, according to the decision of the Department of Culture, religions and nationalities Ternopil Regional State Administration. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/