Film uzhasov "Hyzhyna in the forest

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« Hyzhyna in the forest »&Mdash; samy zahvatvayuschyy Film uzhasov, 2012

If V yavlyaetes strastnm fan vzbudorazhyvayuschyh uzhasov and do not know some kind uzhasov same can be DOSUG in SEE, togda kynokartyn Browse « Hyzhyna in the forest » Most proyzvedet like something there ffektnoe and zapomynayuschee impression, Kotor Sometimes yesnot enough in everyday life. Naturally, for the eerie and to umopomrachenyya strashnm fylmov uzhasov ego otnesty impossible, but zato Good « poveselytsya » Receive udovolstvye from oryhynalnosty ego subjects you can.   A If V will comment look this Film co svoym better friend or podruhoy, the manifestations zametnoe   Even in bezuderzhnoho and,nekotoroy degree, you ysterycheskoho Laughter harantyrovan. Events nachynayutsya s Very banalnoy and znakomoy vsem kartyn: pyatero students of American College stavyat front of you on purpose View full PROGRAMS   otorvatsya on vhodnh. Course, Kaki nrav — Such a idea. Speech are talking about Travel to deeply dremuchyy loess, Kotor and sweatproyshodyt genuine will be   &Laquo; & raquo ;, Prazdnika not ostavyvshyy ravnodushnm not a fan of « have fun & raquo ;. &Nbsp;

FIRST, something for themselves WARNING appeal for students — This strannaya hyzhyna actually in the center of the forest. As nastoyaschye lovers and an extreme horror, ??? with ohromneyshym udovolstvyem reshayutNey held in svoy vhodne. Seemed b, nykakoho occasion to volnenyy No: pokosyvshayasya zhutkaya stations,   bestolkove   sumasshedshye people behayuschye on vsemu loess co svoy zarazytelnm titter, spooky and otvratytelny smell slovno somewhere on blyzosty spryatan corpse, but, themes, not less than, than further WILL BE razvyvatsya events, the more clear will be nrovyalyatsya ystynny fear and strashnaya osoznanyya hlobalnoy bed and danger. Yznachalno student in hyzhyne chuvstvovaly themselves, As home: drinking, smoking, prykalvalys, derzyly and rasskazvaly strashne history. But Ambassador of raspahnulsya How hatch That was the vovse not have to shutok. Descending into Podwale hyzhyn in Kotor nahodylos multitude podozrytelnh and scaryvath subjects, beginning ponymat young people, something is actually something actually zarta dog in Sovershenno friend meste.

In dalnejshem all ta pererastat picture will be in the same dovolno   nepredskazuemy and Hod zhutkovaty of events, not ostavyvshyy itself ravnodushnm us   one fan volnuyuschyh and napryazhennh   moments. Navernoe, you guessed, are talking about something Speech dyavolskyh ksperymentov, kotormy « live » urod own way in the unfeeling zhutkoy laboratory, nahodyvsheysya in volume actually Podwale in kotory and down student IZ net lyuboptstva. Thanks to rasstavlennm Camcorder vsem uholkam in the forest, the entire control of the victims in the hands of s. The reason for these creepyksperymentov over svoymy « podobnmy rabbits » javljaetsja Sovershenno neponyatnoy and neraskrtoy zahadkoy for residents because of the vseh uholkov tseloho world.

Movie Producer Joss Uydon perfectly porabotal creation of realistic paintings ffektnh-movie and rezhysser kartyn Drew Goddard took on themselves by oryhynalnostthought something delaet Film ynteresnm and uvlekatelnm.


Thus, If V else not mind samy comment look zahvatvayuschyy Film uzhasov, 2012, the « Hyzhyna in the forest » for Vashem disposal.
