In the Zhytomyr region, rescuers freed from captivity apartment

sick woman June 17 at about 20:00 to operational and management coordination center DSNS Zhytomyr was reported that in one of the apartments in Zhitomir sick woman is not opening the door to their relatives. To rescue « 101 » approached police. How to ’ it turned out, the owner of the home is 70-year old woman who suffered a stroke and became disabled. On that day her family came, but after lengthy calls hostess at the door and did not open. Mother knew about the disease grandmother, sounded the alarm and started to recruit emergency numbers. Rescuers who arrived to the place Call found thatThe apartment is on the third floor. On the balcony window was open, so they decided to get in the house through the balcony without breaking the door. With retractable ladder nadzvychaynyky got to home and saw that the house mistress lying on the floor and not being able to climb. When rescuers let into the apartment of relatives,last once decided to take the woman to a hospital for examination. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
