Ivano-Frankivsk region on social and legal protection of children take care with
law enforcement officers carry out preventive measures to ensure social and legal protection of children, preventing the commission of crimes by juveniles and against them, preventing homelessness and other negative phenomena. Among the critical social sampleslemma, which we, unfortunately, not missing one of the most painful - the drug problem. About addiction now say everywhere. Every day someone for the first time is in the hands of syringe with poison, without thinking that for the first dose is next, and then - the gap. In addition, young people today is a spread of illegal drugs, including ephedrine and himsecond derivatives. Workers Sector of Criminal Police Juvenile Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk apply to employees kiosks and health services for children and young people to sell the above drugs. Let pills come by their parents. Guardians appeal to all citizens of aboutrequest to use up measures to protect the children from drug addiction. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ivano-FrankivskSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/