Narkomanyya and Rehabilitation EE

C kazhdm day and all bolshe bolshe poyavlyaetsya narkozavysymh People This especially is observed Among molodzhy, kotoraja not sovsem ponymaet, something ??? delayut and for cheho. Passion drugs, destroying family, ssoryt with Friends, destroying   health. In narkomanov voznykayut nelad with the law andpravoohranytelyamy.   Drugs okazvayut Effect on fyzycheskoe and psyhycheskoe STATUS person. Zapreschenne narkotycheskyh types of funds:   marijuana, heroyn, ephedrine, kstazy, methadone, opyum. Drugs – strashnaya disease, kotoraja lead for dependence.

Types narkotycheskyh funds

Considertypes and consequences narkotycheskyh funds from upotreblenyya s:

  • In the group of the first nahodytsya hemp, marijuana, hashish plan. These substances Typically smoke tobacco and adds effect from toho in kazhdogo razny: pokrasnenye G, dry vo RTU, ysterycheskyy Laughter, rasslablennost in muscles and others. Sorry, Many villagebezvrednmy s read and something ??? vzvayut not dependence, but vovse This is not so. After dlytelnoho upotreblenyya tyh narkotycheskyh substances, razvyvayutsya dhatelnh tract pathology, something Can povlyyat on Development lung cancer and cardio vascular system violations, besplodyya. &Nbsp;  
  • The second group narkotycheskyh veschestv — This kodeyn, methadone, morphine, heroyn. K tym drugs dependence arises after nekotorh pryemov. Under the Influence tyh substances stanovytsya melanholychnm man and sonlyvm, movement and medlenne vyale, teryaetsya chuvstvytelnost. When maleyshem peredozyrovanyy, Can man die, and when vnutryvennom Using IS HIV and zarazytsyanfektsyey. Rehulyarne Application tyh substances razrushayut ymmunnuyu system, liver, yzmenyaetsya Color and structure kozhy, razrushayutsya and kroshatsya teeth. Narkozavysyme boleyut on HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis B and C groups such lechenie Very dorohostoyaschee and not kazhdogo there sredstva, and STATE vdelyaet Very few of patients on such funds.
  • The third group narkotykov This crack, kokayn, ephedrine. These drugs upotreblyayut putem kurenyya or vdhanyya. THEY vzvayut yzlyshnyuyu dvyhatelnost, Sexual vlechenye, poyavlyaetsya bessonnytsa, propadaet appetite. When Action narkotycheskoho STATUS zakanchyvaetsya, man and stanovytsya ahressyvnm razdrazhytelnm, as well as often vpadaethlubokuyu form of depression. Dependence poyavlyaetsya after pryema 5-7 times. These drugs are porazhayut   orhan body. Also mogut manifest Above all skazanne disease.
  • And poslednyaya   This hruppa- kstazy. Synthetic drug kotory deystvuet How to   psychostimulant with halyutsynatsyey, vzvaya of sylnuyuavysymost at upotreblenyy   povshennaya observed activity bessonnytsa, galljucinacii. Total chashche with dependence for kstezy, umyraet man from Peak temperature.

Rehabilitation narkozavysymh

mynut impossible to wait for us, If by your rodnmy, blyzkymy or observed narkozavysymo Friendsst. Need a srochno prynymat Measures and otpravlyat s on a Specialized Rehabilitation Center. Example K, in Odessa Can bt held in the center of « Polynar & raquo ;. Reabylytatsyonnh programs for narkozavysymh NOW exist multitude. Specially for them   razrabotan potapne vosstanovytelne Individual therapy, kotore permit bsLogin tro in sotsyum. Populyarnoy javljaetsja pyatytapnaya Programme on Rehabilitation narkozavysymh:

  • In pervogo stages for narkomanov pokazvayut rasskazvayut and the beauty of life t about them.
  • In Deut stages Rehabilitation patsyenta taught trezvomu perception of the world.
  • In the third stages patsyentu pomohayut sex pryyatnm Dreams to people.
  • In chetvrtom stages patsyentam pomohayut right vosprynymat Peace Around us chuvstvovat themselves in Nam comfortable.
  • And on poslednem stages Rehabilitation, patsyentam pryvyvayut concept krasot life and more precious eeawn.

Narkozavysymost – This Very scary! And kazhdogo hochetsya, Avto   on the threshold s home Everybody lies'll send Such tragedy. But life sozdaet svoy If such a rule, after all, no mercy sluchylos opuskat hand – all fixable!
