In Chernihiv region rescuers with regional media conducted a raid visited places of public entertainment

people near the water Recreation near the water - a favorite recreation for children and adults. Such rest of the population is in great demand. However, failure of security measures can lead to trahichconsequences. In Chernihiv since the beginning of the swimming season drowned 10 people. With this in mind, rescuers DSNS take all possible measures to prevent tragic deaths statistics waters. So, on June 10 in Chernihiv regional management staff DSNS cooperation with regional media had raid checkIrku places of mass recreation of people near the water. It should be noted that in the Chernihiv region defined by the authorities of 22 seats, but the number of natural beaches several times greater. The only official beach town in the regional center - the "Gold Coast" where taken all the safety requirements, divers inspected the bottom waters are rescue and medical staffcal positions, means of rescue. Also certain places of public entertainment people near the water on the bank. The rod that forest park near the recreation area « Yalivschyna & raquo ;; on the bank. Desna near Hotel « & raquo ;; Bryansk near the boat station in the area « Bobrovytsia » and the hidrokar ’ Kur'er in the area « Liskovytsya & raquo ;. With the cityetoyu prevention of loss of life on water, the staff of the Regional Office DSNS conducted preventive talks with vacationers, memos and leaflets handed preventive nature. It should be noted that such testing carried throughout the Chernihiv region. In DSNS in Chernihiv region
