According to prosecutors claim Vinnytsia District Court ruled to collect 1.5 million UAH with private enterprise for non-contract terms

decision of Economic Court satisfied the claim of Vinnytsia region Vinnytsia District prosecutor in the interests of the State enterprise " State Reserve Seed Fund of Ukraine " one of private rentThey farm Vinnitsa area for the recovery of 1.5 million UAH in connection ’ connection with the failure of the contract of storage of wheat. The court agreed with the principal and legal position of the prosecution to satisfy the claims in the interest of public enterprises. After company officials fail to comply with conditionscontract for a seed in storage and return it to sound that became known during the inventory balances of inventory. In addition, the fact of embezzlement of state property held pre-trial investigation ch. 5, Art. 191 of the Criminal Code Ukraine (misappropriation, embezzlement or taking them through abuse sluzhbovym position). Press service of Prosecutor Vinnytsia region
