With the support of the Swiss Confederation in Vinnytsia region now implemented seven projects (+ photos)

Switzerland is a reliable partner, which Vinnichchina trust and which can effectively work as evidence - a number of successful projects. This during an official meeting of the region with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Switzerland in Ukraineand Mr Christian Shonenberherom, said RSA chairman Valery cow. "The beginning of cooperation and establishing close partnership between Vinnytsya and Switzerland was the project" Zurich Trams for Vinnitsa when the city received more than a hundred free Zurich trams. Then, few believed in the success of this project,and now - a calling card of our city. Also Vinnitsa was one of three pilot cities involved in another project - "Energy efficiency in the residential sector of Ukraine". The implementation of the Swiss - Ukrainian project on energy efficiency and water supply area, DESPRO. is one of the most successful projectsunder technical assistance. But for us it is important not only financial support, but also your tool implement solutions to the challenges posed particular and Ukrainian vinnichane whole day "- said Valery cow. In turn, the Swiss diplomat said such results and productivity achieved thanks to the good cooperationoporyadnym relations between Ukraine and Switzerland. "Switzerland and the Vinnytsia region long ago cooperate. This collaboration is very productive and fruitful. I counted seven projects underway at the moment, with the support of Confederation. This energy and water and many projects in the economy. Why are these projects are sucthem? Because we find such projects profitable for you and for us. Visible results and our taxpayers, which plays an important role in the development of the country. After all, if something does not suit, then no cooperation had not occurred. We found the funding model on which the successfully implemented projects - a co-financing of your citizens "- said the Aboveordinary and Plenipotentiary of Switzerland to Ukraine Mr. Christian Shonenberher. Welcoming the distinguished guest in the territory of the region, the Regional Council head Sergey scrolls expressed hope that this visit is another step toward deepening cooperation between Vinnitsa region and the Swiss Confederation. "Vinnitsa region tried to cooperate with the Canton FreeBurgh. In particular, in 2011, during a visit to Switzerland management Vinnichiny preliminary agreement was reached on signing an agreement on inter-regional cooperation between cantons Fribourg and Vinnitsa region. However, currently the Swiss side takes a neutral position on signing this agreement. So would ask you, Mr. Ambassador,assist in signing this agreement "- said Sergey scrolls. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Switzerland to Ukraine Mr. Christian Shonenberher promised to do everything possible to renewed cooperation. At the end of the meeting, the RSA chairman Valery Cow expressed willingness to further cooperate in various areas, contributing to deepening co-operation between Switzerland and Vinnitsa region. Therefore Vinnitsa region expressed readiness to implement projects and programs within the framework of cooperation between Vinnitsa region and Switzerland. In conclusion, the traditional exchange of gifts between the delegations. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/