In Vinnitsa region with the support of the Government of Canada implemented the project "Partnership for urban development" (+ photos)

This was discussed on June 16, during the official meeting the head of the regional state administration Valery Koroviya of the delegation responsible representatives of international technical assistance project "Partnership for Development Bridge "(trade-off), andFederation of Canadian Municipalities. The project is aimed at implementing effective democratic governance and accelerating economic development, implemented in 16 cities of the four regions of Ukraine, including Vinnytsya. So for two days oznayomlyuvatymutsya responsible representatives of the project with the cities of regional importance regionin order to choose among them 4 for further cooperation. Opening the meeting, head of the regional state administration Valery Cow thanked the delegation for determining Vinnichiny one of the partners in the project. Therefore acquainted with the peculiarities of the region and the processes that take place today in the state. "There is a basic element proceduredecentralization of power in Ukraine, which affects two aspects: amending the Constitution, which will cover a significant transfer of powers of the baseline and restructuring the system of governance at regional level, and the second aspect -conducting all complex issues regarding voluntary association of communities. We are now at a crucialth period because it is not just about the association and about which direction the next 10-15 years will develop Ukraine ", - said Valeriy cow. RSA chairman also informed about budgetary innovations related to the introduction of amendments to the Budget Code, and the first results of innovation. "I think this isa huge step forward because in fact completely changed the system of relations at a basic level. Introduced a new system of formation of local taxes and fees, - the head of Vinnitsa region. - The budget baseline in the Vinnytsia region in 5 months grew by 50% to the corresponding period last year. Moreover, we have about 40 budgetsWho have already completed the annual rate. " Analyzing the development of cities in the region, the head of the region noted that in the context of decentralization of cities of regional value most prepared to reform, and the locomotive here is the city of Vinnitsa. Valery cows and touched on the operation and development of small and medium businesses, notingthat this sector is going through very difficult times and needs serious support. Director of the project "Partnership for urban development" Alexander Kucherenko, in turn, briefed vinnichan with main focus, plans and directions of the project. "Trade-off - a new project funded by the Government of Canada and implemented by the Federation of Canadian municipalitiesalitetiv and is aimed at strengthening municipal sector in Ukraine and introduction of effective democratic governance and economic development. It democratic governance is our leitmotif. And it is this model we will implement in those cities with whom we are working, "- said Alexander Kucherenko. According to him, the main purpose of the visit delehted is determination and recommendation 16 cities in four regions to participate in the project. "We will seek and create intermunicipal association. in the context of territorial reform is more important, but at the same time it leaves the opportunity for interest groups, not only on a territorial basis ", - said Alexander Kucherenko.During the presentation of the trade-off project director singled out three main areas of implementation: introduction of the model of "open government" and ensuring transparency and efficiency of decision-making by local authorities, creating an enabling environment for small and medium businesses, as well as support the decentralization process and Intehrovanoho development planning at local and regional levels. Then briefly described the mechanisms for their implementation. This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
