Ivano-Frankivsk, about the progress of preventive measures "Bus"

Monday, June 15, 2015, 15:54 | 15/06/2015 During the 14 days of operational and preventive measures under the provisional name "Bus" the State field workers found 183 violations of traffic safety in passenger vehicles. During the reporting Laneiod: 01 June this year tested 587 buses, 150 of them engaged in occasional passenger, 81 - are used for transportation of organized groups of children. At check in fleets and directly during vehicle operation on the line recorded 183 violations. In particular, found 38 - technically defective ABtobusiv, including faulty or blocked emergency exit - 8 of illegally installed additional seating - 6 with defective external lights - 7, steering failures - 2 of defects (wear of tires and wheels) - 24 facts found 3 control drunk drivers (in Gorodenkath, Kalush, Rozhnyativ areas), 6 - exceeding speed limits set by traffic, 33 - passenger transportation in excess of the amount, 19 - violations of road signs and marking roadways near the bus station, 13 - violations stop and parking in places of mass departures of passengers revealed 5 facts controlbuses without license card, 61 - deviation from the specified routes and other traffic. Analyzing the examples of violations and their numbers, the obvious is the fact that discipline drivers requires constant monitoring by the police. So work in this direction continues. Service of STI prevention work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/