Sergey Nadal took part in the dedication of the newly built Church of All Saints Ukrainian land

June 14 in Ternopil on the street. Vinnichenko, 10 was consecrated the newly built church of All Saints Ukrainian land. Sanctification made Preosvyaschenniyshyy Mstislav – Bishop of Ternopil, Khmelnytsky managing diocese UAOC Patriarchate. Participation in the Divineand liturgy took Ternopil Mayor Sergei Nadal. The head of the city noted that the church in honor of All Saints Ukrainian nation celebrates many Ukrainian generations that prayer, work and struggle approached Independence of Ukraine. &Laquo; They are our spiritual mentors and protectors. among them the light and soul died in the Revolution hidnosand those of the war in the East, - says Sergey future. &Ndash; Before our eyes, society and the state change. Ukraine fills the spirit of patriotism and self-sacrifice. We mentioned that the descendants of the Cossacks. Cossacks, an esteemed place in the camp thought Temple – church. The basis of life was spiritual. And Ukraine is impossible without revival of spiritual rebirthbase. Square became a living example of this. The clergy were side by side with the insurgent people. in a combat zone in the East priests, chaplains – near the soldiers. Church helps people overcome incredible difficulties and challenges of our time. On this bright day for the Church and the land, congratulations community church of All Saints Ukrainian people. Let this brightDay at your house, on all our city and our country will go God's special grace and blessing & raquo ;. After the festive liturgy Bishop presented church awards to all donors and benefactors who contributed to the construction of the Temple. The award was received and the Mayor Sergei Nadal. This was reported in the Ternopil City Council
