Volyn region, rescuers city Vladimir-Volyn part of a tour for secondary school children Berezivska
employees on June 15 Vladimir-Volyn RV DSNS in Ukraine in the Volyn region in the shares « prevent. Save. Help » organized a study tour for students of a comprehensive Berezivskasecondary school. By State Fire and Rescue 7 city of Vladimir-Volyn visited more than 30 students, accompanied by teachers. During the tour division, rescuers told the kids basic safety of life, reminded rules of behavior on the water while relaxing in forest areas and actions at the shelling. Emergency impressioncaused story and demonstration of fire-rescue vehicle, rescue equipment and conventional fire extinguishing. Each student had the opportunity to try on clothes and combat gear, sit behind the wheel of a car, imagine a real lifesaver. For better assimilation of information teachers and students received city & rsquo, Points of interest on the basic rules of life safety. Children remained delighted with the tour and promised to always follow the rules which preserve their health ’ I am the life. Tours last for educational institutions in the future. Thus, each student will receive professional advice from a lifeguard on how to behave in an emergency cytuatsiyi. In DSNS in Volyn regionSource: http://artlife.rv.ua/