Ternopil: "Security in life - life safe 2015"

The results of the regional stage of Ukrainian competition of children and youth creativity "Safety in life - a life in safety," declared State Service of Ukraine of Emergencies and children Ukrainian public movement "Safety School ". The competition was held among students of general, Mr.ozashkilnyh and vocational education in the Ternopil region aged 5 to 18 years, groups of pupils "Young rescuer", "School Safety" members VHDR "School Safety" Department of Civil Service of Ukraine of Emergencies in Ternopil region, the Department of Education Ternopil Administration, Training-metodychnym center of civil protection and life safety Ternopil region. The competition was attended by over 280 students from 10 districts and cities of Ternopil and Chertkov. Has it to promote among young people a healthy and safe lifestyle, a culture of life safety, patriotic education, propahandy lifeguard profession, to draw public attention to the problems of prevention of emergencies for children and teenagers, support of talented youth for literary and artistic fields. The jury winners of the regional stage of the competition of children's creativity "Safety of life - the life of the security" were in: nomination literary directionin: - Oak Anastasia, age 9, Kremenetskaya secondary school st.4, poetic essay "Child Safety on the Internet"; - Izotov Julia, 12, secondary school art. p. Thick Husiatyn district, poetic essay "On safety remember - and healthy shalt know!"; - Polynyak Maria, 15, Romany secondary school art. Borschiv district, poetic essay "Nature take care -our common home "; - Drozdovskii Nelia 8 years Pidvolochysk school I-III., A fairy tale "Little myshenyatko"; - Pivtorak Hope, 13, Yazlovetskis school I-III. Buchach district tale "Safety in life, a life in safety"; - Kapitanchuk Ilona, ??15, Dzvynyatska secondary school art. Borshchiv District tale "about a girl and her grandmother Halynku Hygiene"; -Kardynalyuk Nazar, 6 years old, Yazlovetskis secondary school art. Buchach district, the story "Fire"; - Bolyuh Diana, 13, Zbarazkiy secondary school art. 1, story "Easy light - it is difficult to extinguish"; - Basyuk Irina, 15, profitable secondary school art. Borschiv district, the story "Take care of nature - our common home"; - Rudyak Andrew, 7, Berem'yansCountry School I- III. Buchach district, Crossword "Fire safety"; - Zakorchemna Antonina, 14, Ternopil secondary school art. 29 with advanced study of foreign languages, crossword "Environmental risk"; art direction category: - Gordiychuk Julia, 10 years, SPC Ternopil 28, needlework "We choose health, we choose life"; - Ole Ratksandr, 13 years, Royal School of I-III. Borshchiv District sawing "Technical model fire engine"; - Abramets Olga, 14, circle "Technical design" Buchach Center of Children and Youth, needlework "Our life is in our hands"; - Stahnik Andrew, 15, Myrnenska secondary school art. Podgaetskiy district poster "Better preventedyou danger than to fight it "; - Baleen Maria, 15, secondary school second century. p. Old Nyzhbirok Husyatyn district poster "Ukraine without AIDS"; - Sobchuk Maxim, 9 years old, Ternopil classical gymnasium photo "Help on the water"; - Baroeul Matrona, 10 years Pochaivskiy building children's art district Kremenets photography "came to the aidand time "; - Velyhan Julia, 12, Chortkiv district center NTTDUM photography "Fire is our friend - fire our enemy"; - Badulina Julia, 17, Pidvolochysk gymnasium. Franko photography "Child Safety on the Internet"; - Kavetsky Vladimir, 10 years old, Yazlovetskis secondary school art. Buchach district, computer presentation "Safety in the home. Firefightersand security "; - Karas Victoria, 11, Ternopil secondary school art. 26, demonstration of "We choose health, we choose life"; - Vasily Antoniuk, 17, secondary school art. 2 Husiatyn district, computer presentation "Internet - friend or foe?"; - Vyhonska Julia, 16, Galician College. Chornovil m. Ternopil, video"The actions during the disaster." The winners will be awarded diplomas Management DSNS Ukraine in the Ternopil region, the Department of Education and Science of Ternopil Regional State Administration and Ternopil regional branch VHDR "School Safety". The works of the winners of the regional competition "Safety in life - a life in safety 2015" will be sent in. Cuesin to participate in the nationwide (final) stage of the competition. This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/