Several words about Laser pylyatsyy

We yspokon stremymsya for centuries because Avto otlychatsya from each other. This is the best way Set - stylny outfit and Naturally uhozhenny External views. Especially in this zaynteresovan Women, because the im laid bt krasyvoy polovynoy mankind. If rassmatryvat External oblyk, As some kind of complex meropryyatsecond, we need it very WARNING destiny of many moments. One IZ most vazhnh javljaetsja Remove some extra hair on the body, especially the legs, and a podmshkah Bikini zone. There dostatochno many sposobov, As Socrates Square hairy, but they IZ Most ymeyut one extreme to any nepryyatnoe Women properties - is uncomfortable and boleznennprotsedur beard. Topics not less than, hlobalne prorv in science, pozvolyly for the Use podobnh purposes Sovershenno new technique, kotoraja in Cornish otlychaetsya from ostalnh, As for comfort, and so on effectiveness. Dannaya method nazvaetsya Laser pylyatsyey.

What lazernaya such pylyatsyya?

In otlychyy here depilation, pylyatsyya term predpolahaet Categoriese poverhnostnoe and Remove View full hair with destruction volosyanh follykulov. Title technique own way poluchyla Due Using laser As basic tools. The whole process happening on a specially equipment, kotoroe predpolahaet opredelenny Level Preparation operator. Lazerny beam with postoyannoy dlynoy voln, obladayuschyy Peak Plotnostyu energy obrabatvaet problemne kozhy tracts, with tselju destruction volosyanoy bags - follicle. In theory, This method is not something ynoe, How selektyvny fototermolyz.

The principle yzbyratelnoho radiation

Fototermolyz selective type - is byolohycheskoy structure properties (cells, tissues, same technical follykulov) vosprynymat rays raznoe dlyn, praznoe stepenyu tolerance. In other words, Various tissue organism in different ways vosprynymayut voln One and the same dlyn: for some substances ??? absolutely bezobydn, togda, As others pod s Impact razrushayutsya. In cases with Laser pylyatsyey, podobnoe yzbyratelnoe Impact kasaetsya melanin pigments, kotory vlyyaet Color on hair. Principleselective radiation predpolahaet Impact on volosyanoy follicle with a laser dlynoy voln from 700 to 800 nm, as a result of melanin cheho nahrevaetsya and razrushaetsya together with sopredelnmy cells and vessels. As a result, together with the hair follicle vpadaet in techenyy Several weeks.

Efficiency Laser pylyatsyy

Is believed, something Dataobladaet method naybolshey ffektyvnostyu (higher than 90%), because the vlyyaet, How to aktyvne follykul and volos, and so that kotore prebvayut svoeobraznoy in hibernation, dozhydayas more convenient moment. For Avto dostych Like indicators, one visits Kosmetykow Salon enough. To do this, hold potrebuetsya Sir procedures (as a rule,VICINITY 6-8) with peryodychnostyu 2-3 months.

Types lazernh settings

In the modern practice yspolzuyutsya three major type lasers: 1. Aleksandrytovy. Podhodyt for 1-3 Typical kozhy on Fyttspatryku (svetlh). 2. Dyodny. Yspolzuetsya for 1-4 kozhy type. 3. Neodymovy. ffektyven 4-6 Typical kozhy (temnoy).


Dannaya proceCheers javljaetsja, Perhaps, one IZ most bezboleznennh and ffektyvnh, but at this ??? also ymeet svoy Contraindications (as a testimony), which will sleduet uchytvat.
