Volyn: the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and local authority dealt improve the civil protection field

February 19 under the direction of First Deputy Governor Sergey Kudryavtsev session of the Regional Standing Committee on technogenic and ecological safety and emergencies. The meeting consideredsmiling, in particular, the willingness of management capabilities to accident-free admission ice drift and spring floods, as well as the state exercises management, officials and experts, activities related ’ linked into with action civil defense, fire and industrial safety. A report on the first item madeastupnyk head of DSNS colonel Civil Protection Victor Merciful. He noted that together with the regional Department of Water Management is carried out daily monitoring of water levels in the rivers, the information from Hydro to another change quickly clearing rescue arrives on time. RightLynn maps developed areas of possible flooding northern districts in 2015, with image flood situation, dislocation and calculation capabilities of fire-rescue units area. To cope with flooding and surface water pumping melt in fire fighting crew and rescue units in constant threadiness are 4 car fire pump stations (m. Lutsk city. Kovel, m. Stone Kashyrskyi, town PATH), 4 bag 24 cars and fire vehicles with pumping equipment terrain (at the ZIL-131, KAMAZ, GAZ-66 ), in addition ready for use portable pumps of 15 items. Ready to act in desigachennyam engineering equipment, including: BAT-2 bulldozer RS-171 floating conveyor PTS-M tractor for their transportation and two cranes. In February - March will be examining the condition of river channels and structures built and operated on them, operation of pumping stations. Departments of the State Emergency Services in Volynskiy region are in constant readiness for tasks. On the second question head of training and methodological center of life safety civil defense Colonel Sergei Shmyha informed that training management, officials and professionals related activities ’ linked into with action civil protection AMPsezhnoyi and technological security, carried out in accordance with the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 23.10.2013r. 819 « On approval of the learning management staff and specialists whose activities are related ’ connected with the organization and execution of Civil Protection & raquo ;, 444 from 26.06.2013r. &Laquo; About approvedrdzhennya Procedure for training people in emergency actions & raquo ;, and the Head of the order of November 11, 2014 473. This year were functional training in civil defense 180 people. At the appropriate level plan executed on the issue Lutsk, Volyn Volodymyr-miskvykonkomamy and Gorokhovskiy, Lokachi district administration. Instead, this work is unsatisfactory NOVOVOLYNS'KYI Municipal Executive Committee, where the plan of acquisition of 25%, as well as local administrations Kovel, Liubeshiv, Stone Kashyrsky, Lutsk, Rozhyshche areas. Deputy HeadManagement DSNS colonel civil defense Sergey George said that December 27, 2014 the head of Volyn Regional State Administration approved Schedule special about ’ yektovyh exercises and training on civil protection in 2015 to 312 about ’ yektah area. The main purpose of these exercisesand training is testing the algorithm of actions for the organization and implementation of the plan emergency response plans, location and disaster recovery plans and civil protection in a particular period. An analysis report provided materials, few managers before the event about ’ yektovyh trainingtrained at local rates. In particular, Lyubomlsky DGS SE “ Ivano-Frankivsk Propane ” in. Lyuboml stations and number 16 LLC “ Best-Oil ” in the village. Cherry Lyubomlsky area. Department formed an additional list of enterprises, institutions and organizations employing more than 50 people, which should be organized soand conduct special about ’ yektovi education and training. Decision of the Commission identified a number of measures that will improve the state of civil protection, will prevent emergencies in the region. Management DSNS in

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/