In Chernivtsi region rescuers held an information event in the

kindergarten to educate citizens safety rules Managing staff DSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region conduct various activities. In particular preschool school number 53 « & raquo ;, Wreath located on the street. Darwin in Chernivtsi, rescuers nrovely information event with pupils institution, teachers and staff. The event itself was divided into 2 parts. First, practical, was that children and adults practiced evacuation from the premises garden in case of an event. According to the plan entering the room there was a kitchen fire conditional. Systheme alert was informed all present about the event, so that teachers were able to evacuate all the children on the street before the fire spread. The staff tried to institution alone eliminate conventional fire using a fire extinguisher, but did not know how to use it. After that, they called fire-ryatuvalni units that eliminated the danger. Experts Management DSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region briefed those present at the event with the basics of proper use primary means of fire. &Laquo; Everyone should be able to use a fire extinguisher, because through this you can prevent the spread of fire by eliminating it at an early ctadiyi » &Ndash; asked rescuers to people. For better absorption of the material acquired all adults were allowed to try on their own to use a fire extinguisher. To do this, organizers simulated « fire & raquo ;. Rescuers also drew the attention of all those present that by using Warning people reportedI not only fire, but also about emergencies. Holding such events are extremely important, because through this you can teach people to safety rules and proper use of the primary means of fire. This will help people not to get lost in a difficult situation. Press service UDSNS Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
