Chernigov: 2015 ended with testing of Ukrainian language and literature

April 24 was independent external evaluation of the Ukrainian language and literature. Since the results are counted as state final examination, and is compulsory for admission to higher educational institutions, participants increased turnout and the Chernihiv region was 9646%. More than 20 participants violated the procedure for, they were found communications, readers, processing, storage and retrieval, as well as conventional cribs. These individuals enter higher educational institutions in 2015 already will not. Answers to problems of certification works placed on the Web site of the Ukrainian centerEvaluation of Education in "Defining testing results." Those members who for valid reasons did not participate in the testing of Ukrainian language and literature 24 April, will be able to do it during the makeup session 9 June. To do this within five working days including the day of testing (30 April), they must file a liability ofdays documents: - Application form. - A copy of the certificate, certified personal signature. - Original or a copy of the document confirming good reason that prevented to take part in the main session of testing certified personal signature. The results of the external assessment of Ukrainian language and literature will be announced 12 tonsof revenues. However, given the large number of complaints and negative publicity, guidance UCEQA decided to revisit the question of whether removal task № 29-33 with certification of the system or the revision of their assessment after the results of the rapid test test the Ukrainian language and literature.If the results of the rapid test is determined that a very large number of applicants failed to properly perform these tasks, the UCEQA would ask the Commission to determine the results back to determine the correct answers to the problem and adopt new or confirm the previous decision. Only after the second decision of the Commission budut established the final results of this test. Express analysis tentatively be completed in the first days of May. After publishing the results of applicants may apply to the Appeals Board UCEQA to challenge the results of evaluation within five calendar days of their announcement. All appeals will be considered in an appeal, etc.ysutnosti applicants and other stakeholders. If the applicant has not passed the threshold "made" or "made" this year it will not be able to take part in testing with other subjects and will not be listed in the list for further testing passage 2015. According to the educational-methodical center of the Department of Education of the City Council
