In the Rivne region information theft

Over the weekend, police received 51 reports of theft. Over 45 facts opened criminal proceedings under section 185 (theft) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Some of them are: - The police found that the theft of gurtovnya outside the Castle in Dubno committed a 21-year-old Ms. localTel. The attacker, pulling padlock, got into the warehouse where stole food and elektroprovid. - The police found that stealing from a shop in Zarichnyy committed 25-year-old and 28-year resident of the district center. Attackers committed theft refrigerator. - The police reported that unknown person committed theftthe six entrances of apartment blocks on the streets Werbowy, 6th Guards, Mickiewicz, Jubilee. The attacker stole Internet equipment (switches). SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine Rivne region
