Luck: Department of Municipal wife actively working to eliminate spontaneous trade in the streets

On April 1, 2015 the department began actively working to eliminate spontaneous trade outside Glushets (surrounding area market "Central"), on the sidewalks and the pedestrian street. In addition, started cleaning the streets of the Castletrading on the roadway and trade with vehicles. PAS from 01 April 2015 was drawn up 39 protocols for centuries. 152, Part 1 Art. 154, Part 2 st.156, st.160 CAO, these reports referred to the administrative fees for residence offenders. For protocols for st.160 CAO "Trade with hands unidentified mistsyah "was confiscated objects of trade (fruit) outside Lviv (shop around" Our Land ") at the prospect. Young (near TC" Hostynets "). In addition, the department eliminated illegal trade on Young Avenue (LFA - tent with the sale of fruit). To date, the department is working on the elimination of spontaneous street trade. Lviv, 61 (near the storeOur land) on the street. Friendship of Peoples (surrounding area market) and pr. Collegiality (shop around Owl). Department of Municipal wife (722 861) This was reported in Lutsk City Council
