For minor rape Bukovina threatens to 12 years in prison

17-year-old resident of the district Vyzhnytsky raped his peers. On this fact openly criminal proceedings under Part. 3. 152 (Rape) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Minors around 3 pm the night returning from a disco. Suddenly the boy pulled the girl intoopposite direction from home. On the playground he force forced to join with him in sex. Once committed young man escaped. The victim told all parents who also appealed to the workers Vyzhnytsky police station. The police quickly found the intruder. He found clothes stained with blood affected - it will confirmDo the results of such examination. In addition, it was found that when the crime was a young man in a state of intoxication. We know that the guy is still several times brought to administrative responsibility for disorderly conduct. In fact rape continues pretrial investigation. Appointed a series of necessary expertise. SZEM Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Chernivtsi region
