In Ternopil announced blitz competition to design the monument "heavenly hundred"

Ternopil City Council announces a blitz competition for the best conceptual design of city ’ Monument Heavenly hundreds Heroes Square in Ternopil Euromaidan To memorialize the fallen heroes. Contest will last one month from 27 April 2015. &Laquo; already been held conrate in two stages of conceptual design for the best city ’ Monument, in which it was chosen as the winner - says chief specialist of culture and spiritual heritage Natalia Womanizer. &Ndash; Then there were extensive artistic urban council with members of the Union of architects and artists, which featured proposals for doopratsyuvannya project. The winner did not take advice and written waiver from further participation in the competition. Then a meeting of the members of the jury, which decided in accordance with the law, declare blitz competition & raquo ;. To participate in the blitz are invited experts and authors to collaborate Ternopil regional organization of HCAUkraine and Ternopil Regional Union of Artists of Ukraine, who submitted to the contest projects that meet its criteria. Registration for the contest and issuing tender documents held April 27 at 2015 in the city. Ternopil Boulevard T. H.Shevchenka, 1 fl. 3rd, contact tel. 42-06-72; 52-67-32 from 1000 to 1300, Project proposals, submit anonymously motto in the form of six-digit numbers marked « Blitz competition & raquo ;, which is put on the top right corner on the front pages of all project materials and explanatory note. Information about the sponsors (surname, name and patronymic, address, bank details, identyfikatsiyni codes) and offers a possible prize distribution among the members of the Authors, certified by their signatures submitted in a sealed envelope with the motto. Graphic materials submitted for tablets least A-2 total area of ??less than 2m2 (except models and models) in the Department of Culture and Arts at m. Ternopil, Shevchenko, 1 fl. 3rd, contact tel. 42-06-72; 52-67-32 do1630 of 1430. Deadline for submission of project – May 27th, 2015 to 1600. As a result, the jury will select the best outline offers. This was reported in the Ternopil City Council
