The work of the 50th session of the Chernihiv City Council adjourned

April 24 was launched 50th Session of Chernihiv City Council 6th convocation. On the agenda was provided for consideration of a number of procedural issues, including: "On amendments and additions to the decision of the City Council on January 30, 2014" On the city budget for 2015 "," The Complete yourspare change to the decision of the City Council of 31 January 2011 "On the program of the organization and in 2015 public works for unemployed m. Chernihiv", the name of the town square, land and other issues. In addition, during the adoption of the agenda included 8 additional questions, including: "On Amendments to the program supportedmCi NGOs "," The establishment of a working committee of the preliminary examination and study of the adoption of the state to municipal property territorial community. Chernihiv integral property complex state institution "Hospital Junction station Chernihiv South Western Railway", "On Amendments and Additions the Charter teryof territorial communities. Chernihiv "and other issues. The work of the 50th session of the Chernihiv City Council adjourned the 6th convocation. The work of the plenary meeting of the fiftieth session of the City Council 6th convocation will continue April 27, at 10 am in the conference room of the City Council (st. Magistrates, 7) as directed bare Chernihiv Cityyou on April 24, 2015 109-p. Department of Public Relations of the City Council
