With the participation of svobodovtsev Volyn village school opened Column museum room Heavenly hundreds of Heroes

April 22, 2015 in the premises of the secondary school named Sergei Darmofala that the village column Ivanychi County, the grand opening and consecration museum rooms Heroes and hundreds of Heaven killed in eastern Ukraine. The event was intheNumber of first deputy head of Volyn Regional Council svobodivets Alexander Pyrozhyk and Advisor to the Chairman Ivanychi district council, Deputy Regional Council of PA " Freedom " Andrew Badzyun. Museum exhibits room and its hallowed local priest, Father Victor UOC-KP. The opening came rector of Lutsk Institute of Human Development in Internationalniversytetu " Ukraine " Victor Chizhik, associate chair of philosophy Lutsk National Technical University, head of the regional NGO " Christian Movement for Life " Antonina Yevtodyuk, local authorities directly involved Revolution dignity and war with the Russian aggression in Donbas. The event was significantlyth largely through the efforts of Mary Matushevskiy - teacher-practitioner and teacher of history Kolonskoyi schools, all teacher and teaching staff of the school. &Quot; Creating your school, perhaps the first in Volyn own museum rooms newest Ukrainian characters - a good example for all other schools not only Ivanychiv area, but the whole Wallyni. This is evidence that the memory of them live in the heart of every visitor of the school that bears the proud name of your odnoselchanyna, the hero of the war with Russia in Donbass Sergei Darmofala. He cohorts are not soldiers who are persecuted dictators on the front, and the soldiers who sacrificed to protect their land, their families, their people. They deserve our respect, it is with themmo verify their actions and thoughts. I would like to have the following parts of the memory not only in school rooms, and first and foremost in our minds and our hearts! &Quot; - Said Alexander Pyrozhyk. &Quot; If someone says that dignity revolution is over, I categorically deny: it lasts! A number of basic requirements Maidan - deoliharhizatsiya economy, fightcorruption - have not been implemented. Moreover, when " Freedom " rises to fight corruption, trying every way to discredit it, launch information campaigns dirty. Therefore, our main task - to continue the fight, prevent revenge antymaydanivskyh forces! & Quot ;, - Andriy Badzyun. At the end of the festivities therevisited the village cemetery, laid flowers at the foot of the grave of the deceased hero Sergei Darmofala. This was reported in the press service of the Volyn Oblast PA " Freedom "

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/