In Ternopil Velykoberezovytskiy in secondary school held a demonstration day civil defense

The expression of Greek philosophers « To properly operate, it is necessary to know much, but to know should learn » is still relevant today, especially when it comes to actions that affect health ’ i and children. Of course, that doesavoid the risk, unfortunately, not possible, but reduce the negative effects we are quite capable, and a great role in this matter of educational institutions, teachers are able to intelligently, systematically and challenging to prepare and teach young people to protect themselves in life-threatening situations. In support of this April 21 at the secondary school Velykoberezovytskoyi – III levels rescuers, together with representatives of the Department of Education Ternopil district administration and directors of secondary schools Ternopil region organized the demonstration Day of Civil Protection. During the event, representatives of Ternopil district of the Department of State Service of Ukraine nadzvychaynyh situations in Ternopil Oblast worked evacuation of students and teaching staff of the institution, and students from middle and upper classes held talks and workshops, during which discussed the rules of conduct in detecting explosive devices, compliance with fire safety in the home, also looked algorithmand behavior in emergency situations of different nature and in the event of radiation and chemical hazards. At the end of rescuers provided to children and teachers ask questions and shared experiences in the direction of fire, technological safety and protection of educational institutions. In general, staff meeting fireno-rescue service and student-teaching staff was informative and interesting.
