Khmelnytsky, anti-corruption authorities - under public control!

April 22, 2015 in the conference hall of the hotel "Park - Hotel" m. Khmelnitsky, there was a public discussion: "Creating a new system of prevention and combating of corruption in Ukraine - in public control! ", according to the law" On the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraineand "and" Prevention of Corruption ". Public discussion: "Anti-corruption authorities - under public control!" Concerned a number of issues, in particular the roles and expectations of new positive work of the Prevention and Combating Corruption, the means of combating corruption, "bezhabarnosti Declaration" and the role of the public in this. The presentation prevasked: Sergey Gula, head of public movement! No bribery! I do not give and not take bribes! ". Anatoliy Stoyan, national coordinator of the monitoring campaign "Declaration without decorations NGO Transparency International Ukraine. Similar presentations were held in many cities of Ukraine, in. Khmelnitsky this event is held the third time. Sergeiand Gula described the nature of the conflict of interest, a social movement that he represents and offered to all event participants sign a "Declaration bezhabarnosti" as a personal moral obligation not to take or give bribes. Among those present were the participants of the discussion Vice-President - Head of regional state administration Leo C.teblo, Thomas Valery - regional representative of the movement "No bribery," representatives of regional and local authorities, representatives of OSCE regional partners of civil society monitoring of the national campaign "Declaration without decorations," a representative of the Public Council at RSA, the press, public figures, representativestives business, media, students and university teachers Khmelnitsky. The information was
