Students receive scholarships head of Ternopil Regional State Administration

The order signed by the head of the Ternopil Oblast State Administration Stepan Barna. Following the winter test-exams 2014/2015 school year, 3 talented students of disabled enrolled in higher educationalterrace III-IV accreditation levels Ternopil region for a scholarship from February to June 2015. LIST Gifted students of disabled enrolled in higher educational institutions III-IV accreditation levels Ternopil region Number s / n Name, middle name The school, faculty, course 1. Verbitsky Volodymyr GamesMirovich Ternopil State Technical University. John Pul'uj, Department of Computer Information Systems and Software Engineering, 4th year 2. VOLK Natalia M. University of Ternopil im.V.Hnatyuka, engineering, Faculty of Education, 5 year 3. Pochinok Natalia M. Ternopil Nationalim.V.Hnatyuka and Pedagogical University, Physics and Mathematics, 5 year This was reported in the Ternopil Regional State Administration
